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Mar 10, 2014

March 10, 2014 WE DID IT!!!

dad and i have been trying to figure out how to make a post, technology is hard stuff.

thanks becca for giving me another lesson.  i think i can do this.

thanks to you girls for being so good about posting things, dad and i will get better i promise.  i wanted to post tait's surgery information for all but couldn't figure it out and then dad had some pictures he wanted to share and  there was another hour with no luck.

i spoke with grandma this week and some things i wanted to share about the beach house this summer…

1.  we need beach towels.  bath towels are provided with each house but not beach towels.  there are washing and drying machines which will be great.
2.  for pictures, we are asking everyone to wear white shirts with jean bottoms.  i don't know if you remember the picture in our home from the last trip, clothing is the same.  i just had the boys/men wear their white church shirts and us girls wore anything white that we had, some t-shirts and others shirts.  bottoms can be shorts, pants, skirts or anything in-between.  our hope is to make this super simple so there isn't much if any cost involved.  please have the shirts plain with no designs or words.
3. we are in charge of our own breakfast and lunch and for dinners each family will get assigned a night to provide food for all.  it is still a little while away so i will gather ideas as it gets closer.

i know this isn't exciting news to post on the blog but i just wanted to use it…maybe it will help me get used to using it and learning how.

love you all
thanks for all the calls, cards and texts for my birthday.  it was wonderful!

dad is home sick with the norvo virus!  hopefully tait and i don't get it!!!

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