Okay y'all. Time is going by too quick.
Harper is 18 months now. She has a terrific personality. Very sassy. I don't know what I'm going to do about that. !! She loves stuffed animals, baby dolls, and books. She can say all her ABCs and she knows the sounds that each one makes. She says new words every day. The pediatrician was afraid that she has mild hearing loss, but I think the fact that she can repeat what we say and answer our questions proves that theory wrong.
She amazes me everyday.
Big Jed has been working hard, as always. He never takes a break. (Well, he does, to read the news or bake me a cake or something.) We applied for a co-manager position in Kentucky. If he gets accepted, it will be a definitely new adventure for us. But if he doesn't we will keep applying to other places. Our next place to apply to if Kentucky doesn't work out is either Arizona or Northern Idaho.
Little Jed is quite the character! He loves to make faces. He pretends all different types of emotions in one setting. "Mom, I'm sad (Frowny face). Now I'm happy! (Smily face) Now I'm scared!! (surprised face, with twitching eyebrow)" He is hilarious.
Robbie and Jeddie are best friends, as always! They love playing together trucks, tractors, trains, and their recent adventure together is cooking in their brand new play kitchen Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim got them for Christmas. They pretend to bake all sorts of creations with their ingredients, just like Dad does.
I'm (Madeline) getting off my lazy bum and training to run a 5k. That might not sound like much, but for me, I get winded at just running for 3 minutes. My goal is to be able to run 3 miles without stopping or getting out of breath in just 10 weeks. My reward, if I can do it, will be a new pair of shoes! (my current tennis shoes were my running shoes in high school, ha!) I've already gone out to train 3 times now, and I'm already walking around like I'm 80 or something. My legs are so sore.
But other than that, I just play with the kids, keep the house tidy (yeah right, still working on that) and serve in my calling at church. I'm trying to keep it simple and pay as much attention to the kids as I can. I know they won't be this little forever.
We are all so excited for this summer! I can't wait to see you all. Robbie is always asking to ride the airplane to Grandma and Grandpa's house. He'll be so happy to go to the beach and see you all there!!
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