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Jul 7, 2014

Long time, no one blogs!

Hey familia! I have been thinking forever about how I need to blog. So here it goes. I will start with the most recent. I spent last week in Montana at Hebgen Lake, which is near West Yellowstone. I was able to go up to Montana with the lady I take care of. her family owns four cabins up there, and so I went for a week with them. It was great to get away from utah and everything. The whole week I actually felt pretty good about my single life, and immediately upon my return I was instantly reminded how I am single and everyone looks down upon that here. Oh, Utah you are so interesting. Montana was absolutely gorgeous. We spent most of our days out on the lake. One evening we went to the local theater and watched Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat, it was pretty good. We had a pretty good firework show and were able to see the entire valley full of fireworks. SO pretty much I think each of us siblings need to invest in a summer home somewhere in Northern California, some where close by. I am totally down!!! Plus, I think all my ideas are good ones, so i am definitely in.

My birthday was a little over a week ago. I am 25! A quarter of a century! I love birthdays! even though I still feel like  I am 21! Which is perfect because lately everyone I talk to thinks I am 21, its great to have a baby face! or maybe its my immaturity?! my birthday ended up being absolutely perfect. so, as you are all aware or maybe you aren't but now you will be, I have very little friends. I know it s surprising for a girl like me, but its the truth! Well, I have met lots more people since being in Provo, and they are actually single, surprise! Well, the morning of my birthday was our ward temple trip. it was a perfect way to start out my birthday! Then we went to breakfast, paid by the ward! Then I went to a park with some kids from my ward and celebrated my birthday with another kid in my ward, Alex. We shared a cake and hung out at the park. Then I went to Jane and Kennys for a bbq, hosted by me! It was the Folletts and then Terra, one of my close friends from the YSA ward in American From and Landon and Whitney, A couple that are good friends with Jake and AShley and now me too. Well we played some grass volleyball and ate. Afterwards, Landon, Whitney, Jake, Ashley, and me went to the movies to see  "Million Dollar Arm" (soooo good!!!) and then as we walked outside the movie theater there was a firework show to market the firework company! it was an incredible show and super long! it made my birthday extra special because i love fireworks and i love the fourth of july! it was great! Then the next day I left for Montana.

I flew home for Tait's graduation the first week of June. That kid makes me so proud! He is such a sincere, humble, and genuine young man. I am so happy for him and the opportunities that lay ahead of him. I love you Tot!

 yes, i know i look like a bald man in the above picture.

I have been out exploring Utah with the time I have off, it has been adventurous and so lovely!

This was on my run the other day, The cotton looked like snow! Thank goodness its not snow or I would die.

I got new glasses for my eyeballs!

My PA applications are in! So, now I wait until I get an email about an interview! I hope by august!

See y'all in two weeks! God Bless Texas